Automating Lunavi Cloud with Ansible

I’ve put together a basic ansible play that will create a user in the Lunavi vCloud geo us-mid-01. This post covers the basics of installing and authenticating to the API. It will create an idempotent user name ‘test’ with ‘Organizational Administrator’ privileges.

This just covers the basics. I would highly recommend encrypting the passwords via the ansible-vault command.


OSUbuntu 20.04Any install of Ubuntu 20.04 (or any modern linux should suffice)
PythonPython 3.8Python 3.6 is the minimum version needed to run pyvcloud
Lunavi Geous-mid-01This was tested on us-mid-01. Others should work just as well. You will need to change the URL though.
Ansible2.10.6Anything >= 2.9 should work just fine
pyvcloudcurrentpip3 install –user pyvcloud
ansible module vcloud directorcurrentgit clone
Ansible SkeletonAnysee below


Install python >= 3.6

$ sudo apt-get install python3.8-dev python3.8

Install Ansible

$ pip3 install ansible ansible-base

Install vcloud ansible modules

$ git clone

Setup the ansible skeleton

$ mkdir ansible
$ cp -R ansible-module-vcloud-director/{modules|module_utils} ansible
$ cat << EOF
library = modules
module_utils = module_utils
EOF > ansible/ansible.cfg

Create a test play.

We are telling ansible to use the localhost, with a local connection, and set the shell environment variables below. Then we execute the ansible module vcd_user with the parameters necessary to create the idempotent user ‘testuser’.

$ vi vcloud.yml
Insert the following
- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    env_user: "my_vcloud_username"
    env_password: "my_vcloud_password"  # you probably should put this in the vault
    env_org: my_tenant_org
    env_api_version: "32.0"
    env_verify_ssl_certs: true

    - name: Create VcD user
        username: testuser
        userpassword: "super-secret"
        role_name: "Organization Administrator"
        org_name: my_tenant_org
        state: present
      register: vcd_user

    - name: print out vcd_user
      debug: var=vcd_user

Execute the play

$ ansible-playbook vcloud.yml
PLAY [localhost] **********************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Create VcD user] ****************************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: The value "0" (type int) was converted to "'0'" (type string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to
ensure it does not change.
changed: [localhost]

TASK [print out vcd_user] *************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "vcd_user": {
        "changed": true,
        "failed": false,
        "msg": "User testuser has been created"

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

You can read more about the module documentation here:

Up next, I’m going to attempt to move all of my NAT and Firewall rules into ansible for easy management.

Hope this helps my fellow devops engineers out there!

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